Does Listening To Music Increase Or Hinder Productivity?
This is a debate that’s been going on for as long as I can remember, especially in schools and in the workplace. Everybody has their own way of working of course, some prefer complete silence whereas others want a full on rock concert going on in their office.
There has been test after test to determine what the “right answer” is and it seems like there is never going to be anything completely definitive — the correct answer purely depends on the person and the situation.
For example, I find that listening to music whilst I work helps me focus on the task at hand (like writing this post) and block out everything else around me — l’ve also used music to help my memory when it comes to subjects that I’m rubbish at like Maths. My Maths tutor at college was amazed at the affects music had on me, suddenly something I couldn’t do 10 minutes ago was as simple as 1 2 3 (no pun intended but feel free to laugh.)
Now seems like the right time to introduce you to an infographic created by WebPageFx, an internet marketing company. I discovered it from an article on the Linkedin Business blog and was both pleased and blown away by the numbers, have a look:
As you can see from the above, the overall consensus is that listening to music whilst you work is the best thing for you to do. Lately I’ve been making the effort to read up on music and the brain and am putting a lot of time into showcasing the importance of music therapy for those with mental illnesses. Music has incredibly positive affects on the human mind — the infographic shows that increased concentration and productivity is one of them.
Of course there are people that can’t work with music in the background which is fine. Sometimes I have to turn it off because I’ll find my musician’s brain taking over and I’ll start analysing the song, it’s a habit of the job I suppose — but 9 times out of 10, I can’t survive those 2000 word Music Education essays without rocking out to my favorite artists!
What does your experience with music and productivity look like? Leave your thoughts and let’s discuss!